Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I've been nominated...

I was recently nominated for a Liebster Award by Trinnah of A Style in Progress. She's one of the sweetest, most encouraging bloggers I know, and I absolutely adore her style. You should definitely check her site out.

The rules for accepting the award are as follows:

  1. Post 11 random facts about yourself so people can get to know you.
  2. Answer the 11 questions that the person that gave you the award asked you.
  3. Choose 11 people to award this to.
  4. Go to each blog and tell them you nominated them for the award.
  5. Make up 11 questions for the people you nominate to answer.
Random Facts about Me

  1. My son and I share the same birthday.
  2. I was a teacher for 2 years.
  3. I went natural a little over 9 years ago (before it became the thing to do). My afro was so Angela Davis/Foxy Brown! 
  4. I prefer cheese over chocolate.
  5. I've worked in a steel mill for almost 5 years; steel toed boots, hard hat, and all.
  6. I don't wear make-up.
  7. I didn't own any pink clothing until about 2 years ago.
  8. I have a B.S. in Biology.
  9. I'm left-handed.
  10. I have 10 year old daughter and a 6 year old son.
  11. My favorite movie is A League of their Own.
Trinnah's Questions
  1. What is your favorite pair of shoes? I'm loving my leopard flats right now.
  2. What color shoes do you not own and would like to? I really need a pair of red shoes.
  3. What is your favorite shoe for this fall? Riding boots. I plan on wearing them with everything from skinnies to skirts.
  4. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 37. (SHOCKING)
  5. How do you store your shoes? I don't have a set method of storage. Some are in the original boxes under my bed, flat sandals are in a clear storage shelf thing, boots are in big bin, and I have a shoe rack that hangs on my closet door.
  6. Does your significant other support your love for shoes? I'm not that big of a shoe girl (yet), so there's really no need for support.
  7. What’s your favorite designer / brand for shoes? I'm so in love with Tory Burch (even though she's way out of my price range). 
  8. Are you a heels or flats girl? I love the look of a fierce pair of heels, but I'm a flats girl.
  9. How old were you when you first bought heels? I think I was around 16 or 17; I needed them for a military ball. 
  10. Do you like skinny stilettos or chunky heels? I like the look of both depending on the outfit.
  11. How do you feel about wedges? Love, love, love! I get all of the height and style that I want without the fear of breaking my neck or looking like a baby giraffe trying to walk for the first time, lol. 
My Nominees

  1. How would you describe your style?
  2. How do you handle trends?
  3. What is your favorite article of clothing?
  4. How has your style changed over the years?
  5. Statement jewelry. yay or nay?
  6. What fall trend are you most looking forward to wearing?
  7. Where do you look for fashion inspiration?
  8. Who is your favorite fashion icon?
  9. What's your no fail look?
  10. Do you prefer neutrals or bold colors?
  11. Cardigan, blazer, or jacket?


  1. Yay! I loved seeing your answers! :) That's so cool that you and your son have the same birthday. It must be a big celebration every year!

    You know what pair I don't own and now I'm wanting one? Your answer to number 1! LOL. And riding boots are on my list, too. It's so hard to find a pair that fits over my calves. Haha!

    I love your questions! :) Thanks for accepting the award and answering my questions and for the sweetest introduction shout out!

    1. It is pretty cool, and we get to eat twice the amount of cupcakes!

      You def need a pair of leopard flats. I didn't believe it when people said that leopard is a neutral, but I'm finding myself pairing them with everything.

      You are most welcome, and every single word of my intro is true. Thanks, again, for nominating me.
